Sell your items. Used or new.
You can make money quickly with us!

Secondhand products

Turn unwanted items into cash.

Under $100 $4.95
$100 - $500 $9.95
$500 - $1,000 $14.95
$1,000 Upward $19.95

Have an ad with us for 60 days

Intro Offer

New products

Sell it now to make money fast.

Under $500 $19.95
$500 - $1,000 $24.95
$1,000 Upward $29.95

Have an ad with us for 60 days

Intro Offer


Upgrade for extra features & Sell it faster.

Appear highlighted at the top of your category search results.

Same ad fee apply.

Coming soon


Unlimited changes

Live web statistics

Weekly performance reports

50% off the original fee if you renew your ad after 60 days

Some common questions our customers ask

How long does my ad last for?

Your ad is for 60 days. If your item is still unsold, you can renew your ad for 50% of the original fee.

Having trouble placing an ad or have more questions?

Please contact our friendly customer service team Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on (03) 9981 0486 or email

What does a Featured ad include?

Featured ads appear highlighted at the top of your category search results and have a 'badge' icon to stand out from the crowd. On average people who upgrade their ads to featured sell their items 50% faster.

How do I protect myself from online scammers?

If something is too good to be true, chances are it is. Never release money or send items to anyone unless the transaction has been 100% verified. For additional online safety help, click here.

To see our full Terms & Conditions including our Cancellation Policy please click here